
Wyevale Ontario Real Estate Agent

Wyevale real estate agent Realtor

The township is made up of small the communities of Ardmore Beach, Balm Beach, Belle-Eau-Claire Beach, Bluewater Beach, Cawaja Beach, Cedar Point, Clearwater Beach, Cove Beach, Crescent Beach, Coutenac Beach, Deanlea Beach, Dorion’s Corner, East Tay Point, Edmore Beach, Georgian Bay Estates, Georgian Heights, Georgian Highlands, Georgian Sands Beach, Georgina Beach, Gibson, Ishpiming Beach, Kettle’s Beach, Kingswood Acres, Lafontaine, Lafontaine Beach, Laurin, Mary Grove, Mountain View Beach, Nottawaga Beach, Ossossane Beach, Perkinsfield, Randolph, Rowntree Beach, Sandcastle Beach, Sandy Bay, Sawlog Bay, Silver Birch Beach, Sloane Point, Thunder Beach, Tiny Beach, Toanche, Wahnekewaning Beach, Wendake Beach, Woodland Beach, Wyebridge, Wyevale and Wymbolwood Beach.

Wyevale house for sale

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Local Wyevale Ontario Real Estate Agent

Wyevale is home to Wyevale Central Public School (Grades JK-8) and Wyevale Jug City, a convenience store with a population of roughly 1000. Wyevale is located in the Tiny Township. The Township of Tiny Fire Department, based at Station 2 on County Rd. 6 on the outskirts of Wyevale, provides fire protection services. Wyevale is part of the OPP’s policing jurisdiction and is patrolled by officers from the Southern Georgian Bay detachment.

Jill Does
Contact Jill Does

Locations North, Royal Lepage
Serving Southern Georgian Bay

Call: 705-331-3341

Email: jilldoes@myrealestateteam.net


Wyevale Realtor

A real estate agent is a certified professional who facilitates real estate transactions by matching buyers and sellers and representing them in discussions. Real estate agents are normally paid entirely by commission, a percentage of the property’s purchase price, so their income is contingent on their ability to conclude a transaction. A real estate agent must work for or be linked with a real estate broker (an individual or a brokerage firm) who is more experienced and licensed to a higher degree.

Real estate agents and realtors in Canada are licenced by each province rather than the federal government. A real estate “commission” oversees and licences real estate brokers and agents in each state. Some states, for example, only allow lawyers to generate real estate documentation, while others allow both lawyers and licenced real estate agents to do so. State laws govern the types of relationships that can exist between clients and real estate licensees, as well as real estate licensees’ legal obligations to represent clients and members of the public. Rules differ significantly from state to state as determined by law, for example, on what legal wording is required to transfer real property, agency connections, inspections, disclosures, continuing education, and other topics. In most areas in the United States, a person must hold a licence in order to engage in licenced activities, which are regulated by state statutes. The work done “for compensation” is the main component of the criteria for getting a licence to undertake certain activities. As a result, if a person wants to assist a friend in selling or buying a home without expecting any kind of payment in return, a licence is not required to complete all of the work. However, because most individuals expect to be paid for their efforts and talents, a licence would be required by law before someone could be paid for their services as a real estate broker or agent. Unlicensed behaviour is prohibited, and the province state real estate commission has the right to sanction anyone who operate as real estate licensees, however buyers and sellers who act as principals in the sale or purchase of real estate are typically exempt from licencing requirements. It’s worth noting that in some areas, lawyers who are not licenced as brokers or agents manage real estate sales for a fee. Even lawyers, however, can only engage in real estate businesses that are unrelated to their primary profession. It is impossible for a lawyer to become a seller’s selling agent if it is the only service requested by the client. If lawyers want to engage in licenced activities, they must first obtain a broker’s licence. Lawyers, on the other hand, are exempt from the mandatory schooling requirements

Wyevale Property for sale

Real property, real estate, realty, or immovable property is land which is the property of some person and all structures (also called improvements or fixtures) integrated with or affixed to the land, including crops, buildings, machinery, wells, dams, ponds, mines, canals, and roads, among other things. The term is historic, arising from the now-discontinued form of action, which distinguished between real property disputes and personal property disputes. Personal property was, and continues to be, all property that is not real property.

Wyevale MLS listing

A multiple listing service (MLS, also multiple listing system or multiple listings service) is an organization with a suite of services that real estate brokers use to establish contractual offers of cooperation and compensation (among brokers) and accumulate and disseminate information to enable appraisals. A multiple listing service’s database and software is used by real estate brokers in real estate (or aircraft broker in other industries for example), representing sellers under a listing contract to widely share information about properties with other brokers who may represent potential buyers or wish to work with a seller’s broker in finding a buyer for the property or asset. The listing data stored in a multiple listing service’s database is the proprietary information of the broker who has obtained a listing agreement with a property’s seller.

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